Sebadoh/Quasi/Lovesick Empire @ Neumos, Seattle, WA 02.12.11
If there's been a recent trend in indie rock (aside from every band having a floor tom for their singers to pound on), it's been the reuniting of the Godfathers of the '90s (Guided By Voices, Pavement, and recently Archers of Loaf) or the pure celebration of the works of the early- to mid-90's. Although Sebadoh never technically broke up, they've taken a backseat to the band that spurred the formation of Sebadoh in the first place: Dinosaur Jr., who kicked Sebadoh singer Lou Barlow out in less-than-cordial fashion in the late '80s. "We're touring to support our new T-shirt," joked Barlow after a few songs of warm-up to the midsized crowd at Neumos.
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