When Creedence Clearwater Revival wrote "Traveling Band", its members probably never imagined -- except, perhaps, in a fit of 70's sci-fi fancy -- that the tune would be come a mantra for a squeaky-voiced certified chemistry teacher and his electronic companion. But Adam "Atom" Goren has come to epitomize the rock musician's nomadic lifestyle, playing basements, punk clubs and balconies with just a guitar and his Package, a Yamaha QY700 sequencer that provides him with more possible noises than even this prolific artist could ever use.
Atom first encountered the Package six years ago, when the actual traveling band in which he played, Fracture, called it quits. "A friend of mine played guitar and wrote music with a sequencer, and I thought it was really neat," he says. "I thought it was a cool way to write songs without having to be in a band." Soon, this punk-rock kid was making giddy pop with a machine, and eventually his dabblings with the Package evolved into a full-fledged project. While some accuse Atom of staging pretentious performance art or indulging in gimmickry, he maintains Atom and His Package stems merely from his boredom and need for a musical outlet.
"It's not like I intended this to be a band by any means, not like, 'Oh, I'm going to start this wacky one-person punk-synth band,'" Atom clarifies. But soon, Atom came to enjoy being his own boss.
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