...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead @ Neumos, 03.13.09
Dear Seattle,
Who starts shows at 9pm? Seriously? I walked into Neumos at 9:30 thinking I would be 30 minutes early, and was lucky I got to catch the last two and a half of Midnight Masses songs. The Brooklyn/Austin conglomerate sprawled across the stage as a six-piece, with two drummers (one being Conrad Keely of ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead), two guitarists (one being Jason Reece of Trail of Dead), a bassist and singer Autry Fulbright. Midnight Masses swayed and swooned, coming off something like a more southern-fried dark gospel Interpol (read: Nick Cave with less growl) mixed with the some of the world-weariest moments of Bob Dylan.
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