THE ROYAL PICK: godheadSilo @ Chop Suey
These two smiling men are responsible for a spike in Immodium sales in the late 1990's.
Ah, the silky mystique of "The Brown Note"; That earth-shattering, pants-splattering frequency zone where sounds manage to weave their way inside of you, stir up the most delicate parts of your inner-workings and rally the troops to abandon ship. While I never had a chance to see godheadSilo back in their heyday, I read enough zine articles and heard enough pre-internet folklore about the band to know that their live shows were widely regarded as a punishing display of sound and fury that left members of the audience walking away feeling nauseous. That two men could create a literal wall of sludge so physically affecting (minus the aid of computers/laptops, but merely aided by a wall of bass amps and a ridiculously large drum kit) was the stuff of legend. Their records required warning labels stating "we are not responsible for speaker damage", with more pre-internet rumblings of the band's records being engineered to essentially crack speakers in half. While the teens of the 70's had KISS to worship as a larger-than-life rock band shrouded in secrecy, godheadSilo had a lovely mystique of their own in the mid/late-90's.
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